Weyakin Designs, Visual Creation by Victoria Chapman

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let it Snow!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...
Photo. First Snow in Massachusetts 2009.

But the fire is so delightful...
Photo. Warm woodstove fire.

Today is the first real snow of the season here in western Massachusetts. Well, we did have a small snow in October, but it was short lived and doesn't really count. This is the first snow where it's lasting a while and sticking to the ground. Happily, it's on a day when I don't have to drive to work!

My husband and I got our errands done earlier before the snow picked up and before we headed home, we picked up a beautiful pine and cedar swag hanging from the local Emerson Family tree farm in Greenfield. They had some lovely wreaths, swags and lots of trees to choose from. Plus, they had a nice warm room with an antique wood stove and free hot cider and popcorn. If you're in the western MA area, I recommend stopping by. They are on Rt. 5 on the way to Bernardston.

It's getting chilly here and we've been using our wood stove (pictured above) every day. I'm sitting in my favorite spot next to the warm stove with my handy laptop cart.

Speaking of chilly, I've listed several more herbal heat packs on my Etsy shop and plan to add several more in the next few days. This is the perfect time of year to pick them up - for gifts or for yourself! They go in the microwave for a couple of minutes and ding! You have a nice, toasty pillow to snuggle with, which smells great too. Check out my herbal heat packs here.

I hope that wherever you are, you are keeping warm and happy!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pics! I too was enjoying the snow from in front of a wood fire...
